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Liebes Du,
ich freue mich, dass du mich gefunden hast.
I'm glad we meet here.
I am a human being, medium, mediator, painter, artist and mother of 2 children aged 9 and 6.
My field is endlessness and I let it shine here.
Change is my subject.
We're always changing.
And we want to change which is not possible sometimes.
What are the blockades? What is supporting us in our processes?
How do I meet my resistances?
How do I make transformation tangible?
How do I trust and feel my freedom and my loving essence?
How do I make my creative power visible and change my habits?
We send and receive the wisdom of the heart // LOVE
What is your heart beating for?
We are the painters of our limitations // FREEDOM
Is a line fixed and a frame the limit ad finitum?
We create our fairy tales // CREATIVE POWER
When starting telling your dream?
We create the colors and shapes of our perception //
Is it possible to understand each one, no words required?
We change our concept of We // CONNECTION
I start here, you as well. United with everything around us.
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